12 February 2010

Minton Mods

With credit to Joe Minton and Motorcyclist magazine I am posting a copy of what some say is the definitive article on the basic modification of an SR500. Excuse the poor image quality. These are scanned from photocopies of photocopies that have been in my files for nearly 20 years. Man I'm getting old! The bottom of the pages list this as originally being printed in the August 1986 issue of Motorcyclist magazine. My thanks to Mr. Minton and the folks at Motorcyclist for the article.

Not knowing how to link a pdf to the blog I resorted to scanning these as jpg files and posting them as such. If anyone can explain to me know how to post a pdf, i'll put that up as well. If anyone is interested in the pdf version drop me an email and I'll forward you a copy.

I also have an old workshop manual that has a chapter on "Performance Modifications". It covers some of the same stuff as this article with a few different routes. That chapter delves into shedding weight and major engine modifications for racing. If I figure out the pdf thing I'll work on scanning that and getting it up here.


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